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 Kitchener Rangers

Kitchener Rangers Announce Board of Directors and Executive Committee for 2020-21

November 24, 2020 - Ontario Hockey League (OHL)
Kitchener Rangers News Release

The Kitchener Rangers Hockey Club hosted its Annual General Meeting on Monday November 23rd virtually via zoom.

Of the 37-member Board of Directors for the 2020-21 season, thirteen were newly elected for a three-year term.

There were 173 members who voted of which 119 were in attendance and 54 voting by proxy.

2020-21 Kitchener Rangers Board of Directors

Dave Allendorf

Chris Bach

Doug Bergman

Anne Boehm

Jason Cook

Michael Deane

Pete Delorme

Marcus Drury

Rod Dunkel

Tom Embro

Jeff Emrich

Helen Fennell

James (Jim) Fisher

Don Fraser

Kateri Galloway-Downie

Keith Gingerich

Kelly Gray

Kerri Gress

 Ziggy Hackl

Don Herner

John Kreller

Norm Leblond

Sean Lloyd

Les McAuslan

Gary McCall

Randy McCarten

Shawn McKelvie

David Mintz

Rob Orendi

Sara Pilkey

Alan Reinhardt

Ron Ross

Ted Scharf

Mark Schneider

Angela Taylor

Barry Taylor

Debbie Weber

From the Board of Directors, an eight-member Executive Committee was selected. The 2020-21 Kitchener Rangers Executive Committee is as follows:

President: Michael Deane

1st Vice President: Jeff Emrich

2nd Vice President: Don Fraser

Treasurer: Les McAuslan

Secretary: Dave Mintz

Executive: Norm Leblond

Executive: Rob Orendi

Executive: Ted Scharf

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Ontario Hockey League Stories from November 24, 2020

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