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 Greensboro Grasshoppers

MiLB Coronavirus and Postponement of the 2020 Season

March 12, 2020 - South Atlantic League (SAL1)
Greensboro Grasshoppers News Release

Minor League Baseball is monitoring developments regarding the spread of coronavirus in the United States and internationally. We are following the latest information and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization, state and local governmental agencies, our own medical contacts, and our counterparts at Major League Baseball (MLB).

Postponement of the 2020 Championship Season. We have been in contact with the Baseball Office of the Commissioner (BOC) today regarding their recent announcement about the cancellation of remaining Spring Training games and a postponement to the start of the 2020 Championship Season. We expect to work closely with MLB as we all plan for the resumption of the baseball schedule, while keeping in mind that our number one priority is the safety of our baseball personnel and fans.

Governmental Action. Because the situation changes daily, leagues and clubs should be prepared for disruptions including the need to comply with directives from governmental or other appropriate bodies. Governments in the States of California, Ohio, New York and Washington have placed restrictions on public gatherings and other governments are considering similar restrictions. We encourage clubs and leagues to be in regular contact with your local governmental authorities and share information with our office about developments in your states and communities.

Spring Meetings. We have received a number of inquiries regarding the Spring Meetings of the Council of League Presidents and Board of Trustees scheduled for March 20-22 in Tampa. We have a call scheduled for tomorrow with the Chairmen of both bodies to discuss possible changes to the meetings, including possible cancellation. At a minimum, anyone who does not wish to travel to Tampa for those meetings for medical reasons or out of an abundance of caution will be permitted to join the meeting via audio conferencing (assuming the meetings take place as scheduled). We will inform all participants about any changes resulting from our call tomorrow.

We will continue to make operational decisions based on the most current governmental, medical, and scientific guidance and will continue to provide regular updates as the situation evolves and/or warrants additional changes.

Working together I have no doubt that we will get through this difficult period. I expect that all of our leagues and clubs will have a role to play as community leaders ushering in a sense of normalcy as the threat from coronavirus decreases, and I also expect that you will embrace that role.

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