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 Lexington Legends

2020 Minor League Baseball Season Canceled

June 30, 2020 - South Atlantic League (SAL1)
Lexington Legends News Release

WHITAKER BANK BALLPARK (Lexington, KY) - On June 30th, 2020, Minor League Baseball officially announced that the 2020 Minor League Baseball season has been canceled. As a result of this news, the Lexington Legends will not play in 2020.

"While we are disappointed in losing our 2020 season, we understand why the decision was made." Says President and CEO of the Legends, Andy Shea. "Despite the fact that there will be no Minor League Baseball this year, we look forward to rooting for the Kansas City Royals, our parent team."

Though there will not be Minor League Baseball this year, Whitaker Bank Ballpark will play host to the College Commonwealth Baseball Club this summer, with the first game being tonight at 5:30PM. Safety protocols and an adjusted capacity have been put into place for all upcoming games played at Whitaker Bank Ballpark.

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