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Doctors, Volunteers, and Reno Aces Team for 'Biggest Little Skin Cancer Screening' May 7 at Greater Nevada Field

April 15, 2024 - Pacific Coast League (PCL)
Reno Aces News Release

RENO, Nev. - Local dermatologist Dr. Whitney Hovenic is on a crusade to help as many Nevadans as possible to prevent skin cancer and find skin cancers early when they're easiest to treat. She's so dedicated, in fact, that on May 7 she'll be performing FREE skin checks for anyone in the community at the "Biggest Little Skin Cancer Screening," from 4-7 p.m. at Greater Nevada Field.

Dr. Hovenic has lined up many of her colleagues who will also provide skin checks at the event, multiplying the number of people they can screen in the three-hour event. Nevada Cancer Coalition, the Reno Aces, the City of Reno, and others are also partnering on the event, which has been timed to fall near the start of Skin Cancer Awareness Month.

"Anyone who has skin can get skin cancer, and with more than 300 days of sunshine here in the Truckee Meadows, we have a little higher risk of developing skin cancer if we're not extra vigilant with sunscreen or other preventive measures," Dr. Hovenic said. "The great thing is that if we find abnormal growths and cancerous lesions early, we can easily treat them, sometimes right in the office."

The May 7 skin check event is completely free for anyone to attend, but skin checks will be performed on a first-come, first-served basis. Depending on how many people come to get checked, registrations may end at 6:30 p.m. so doctors can wrap up the final checks by 7 p.m.

Those who attend should wear loose-fitting clothing so doctors can easily check sun-exposed skin, such as the neck, arms, legs, and back. Organizers encourage those who work or spend a lot of time outdoors, such as landscapers, first responders, construction workers, and outdoor athletes, to attend. However, anyone who hasn't had a skin check or has a spot they'd like to check out should also attend the event.

Those who get checked can also enjoy snacks and drinks from a Reno Aces food vendor and receive a sun safety swag bag with free sunscreen and a handy reference guide for spotting suspicious moles.

"We are thrilled to host a free skin cancer screening at Greater Nevada Field as part of our partnership with the Nevada Cancer Coalition and ongoing commitment to the health and well-being of our community," said Reno Aces General Manager & COO Chris Phillips. "This initiative aligns with the Reno Aces' broader efforts to promote awareness and proactive health measures among our fans and neighbors."

Attendees can park for free in the Parking Garage next to the stadium located on Ballpark Lane and enter Greater Nevada Field through the Rotunda Gate on Evans Avenue.

Preventing Skin Cancer

In addition to wearing a broad spectrum, SPF 30 or greater sunscreen, several additional steps can be taken to reduce the risk of skin cancer. Those include:

Wearing sun protective clothing such as long sleeves and pants. Many sportswear companies offer SPF protection built into the fabric and made to protect skin from the sun while keeping the wearer cool.

Adding sun-smart accessories like a wide-brimmed hat to protect the scalp, ears, nose, neck and shoulders, and wearing UV-protective sunglasses. Many people don't realize they can get melanoma in their eye!

Seeking shade during peak sun hours, generally from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This could be just staying indoors during this time, but it could also be doing things such as using a shade umbrella or sitting under a shade tree or awning.

Avoiding tanning beds. Tanning beds are NOT safer than the sun and in fact are much more dangerous. Indoor tanning emits UV radiation in amounts 10-15 times higher than the sun at peak intensity. The Skin Cancer Foundation notes that more people develop skin cancer because of indoor tanning than develop lung cancer because of smoking. (Whoa!)

What to Look For

In addition to working to prevent skin cancer, Nevadans can perform regular skin checks on themselves by looking at all areas of their skin (a mirror and a partner are always helpful with this) to look for any changes in their skin such as moles or lesions that have changed color, increased in size or become itchy or oozing. The basics to watch for are moles or spots that follow the ABCDEFs:

Asymmetry - moles that are an irregular shape.

Border - moles that have a ragged rather than smooth border.

Color - moles that have several colors or have changed color.

Diameter - moles that are larger than the size of a pencil eraser.

Evolving - moles that have changed over time in any of the above-mentioned ways.

Feeling - moles that itch or burn.

For more information on sun safety, skin cancer prevention and early detection, and Sun Smart Nevada, visit

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