Denver Outlaws

Denver Outlaws Release Updated 2020 Season Schedule

July 1, 2020 - Major League Lacrosse (MLL)
Denver Outlaws News Release

*** Part 1.2 - UTF-8


Evening! Hope you've had a great week so far!

Sending you some very exciting news in the world of Major League Lacrosse. An updated schedule has been approved and will be released Thursday, July 2nd. This release is under embargo until 7:06AM (MST).

Very exciting indeed, we are looking forward to coming back into play for this season. This marks the 20th anniversary of the MLL, so the league is taking special consideration into the execution of games, presentation, travel, and safety. Feel free to reach back out with any questions. Happy to help in any way. Have a wonderful night and a fantastic Fourth of July weekend!

Kind regards,


​Regan Mullen | ​Director of Operations

​​​Denver Outlaws | The Riveter: Denver | 2734 Walnut St | Denver, CO 80205

Office: 720-673-8551 |

*** Part 1.1 - UTF-8

Evening! Hope you've had a great week so far! Sending you some very exciting news in the world of Major League Lacrosse. An updated schedule has been approved and will be released Thursday, July 2nd. This release is under embargo until 7:06AM (MST). Very exciting indeed, we are looking forward to coming back into play for this season. This marks the 20th anniversary of the MLL, so the league is taking special consideration into the execution of games, presentation, travel, and safety. Feel free to reach back out with any questions. Happy to help in any way. Have a wonderful night and a fantastic Fourth of July weekend! Kind regards, Regan

​Regan Mullen | ​Director of Operations ​​​Denver Outlaws | The Riveter: Denver | 2734 Walnut St | Denver, CO 80205 Office: 720-673-8551 |

*** Part 1 - UTF-8

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​Regan Mullen | ​Director of Operations ​​​Denver Outlaws | The Riveter: Denver | 2734 Walnut St | Denver, CO 80205 Office: 720-673-8551 |


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------ Attachment: 2035-Outlaws_Season_Schedule_PR_6.29.docx ------




Denver - Major League Lacrosse has announced its 2020, 20th Anniversary, schedule. The season, beginning July 18th, will be played entirely in the city of Annapolis, Maryland at the Naval Academy. The season will be one-week long and will host all six MLL teams. The week will conclude with a final-four playoff, crowning the 2020 MLL champion the weekend of July 25-26. The Major League Lacrosse season will be broadcast nationally on the ESPN family of networks and ESPN+.

MLL, under the guidance of a team of medical professionals from all six MLL markets, has developed a comprehensive strategy to ensure the health and safety of the players, staff and all personnel onsite for the 2020 season. MLL has established a COVID Safety Protocol Officer to oversee the adherence and execution of the safety plan. Additionally, MLL is working closely with their partner, Cascade, to offer players access to their newly developed Face Shield, a completely clear, physical barrier designed specifically for SEI-Certified Cascade Helmets.

This will the Outlaws fifteenth season. In the last 14 years, the Outlaws have played in the championship game a league-record nine (9) times. They have made the playoffs 13 of the last 14 years and have won 67% of their games. Matt Bocklet took over as the Outlaws' team president in 2020 after an illustrious career, playing and working in the front office. After a narrow loss in the Championship last season to the Chesapeake Bayhawks, the Outlaws are eager for the return of play and to bring the Steinfeld Trophy home to the Mile-High city.

Below is the updated Denver Outlaws 2020 season schedule:

DOW Date Away Team Home Team

Regular Season Saturday 7/18/2020 Connecticut Hammerheads @ Denver Outlaws

Regular Season Sunday 7/19/2020 Denver Outlaws @ Philadelphia Barrage

Regular Season Tuesday Denver Outlaws @ New York Lizards

Regular Season Wednesday 7/22/2020 Chesapeake Bayhawks @ Denver Outlaws

Regular Season Friday 7/24/2020 Denver Outlaws @ Boston Cannons

Championship Saturday 7/25/2020 Seed 4 @ Seed 1

Championship Saturday 7/25/2020 Seed 3 @ Seed 2

Championship Sunday 7/26/2020 Winner of Semi Final 2 @ Winner of Semi Final 1

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Major League Lacrosse Stories from July 1, 2020

The opinions expressed in this release are those of the organization issuing it, and do not necessarily reflect the thoughts or opinions of OurSports Central or its staff.

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