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Blowfish & Fans Donate $3,000 to SC State Fair High School Scholarship Program

September 18, 2019 - Coastal Plain League (Coastal Plain)
Lexington County Blowfish News Release

Thanks to our fans and supporters, the Blowfish organization was able to provide two $1,500 scholarship for the year 2019 and 2020 to the SC State Fair's "Ride of Your Life Scholarship" program.

The South Carolina State Fair annually awards 50 scholarships to South Carolina high school students planning to pursue their studies at any public or private college, university or technical college in the state. The scholarships are awarded at an annual rate of $1,500 and are based on academic and extracurricular achievement, communication skills, need, and completeness of the application.

We are delighted to honor and reward these outstanding students," State Fair manager, Nancy Smith said. "Educating the state's youth remains a priority of the fair, and we are thrilled to continue that mission." S.C. State Fair General Manager Nancy Smith, Blowie the Blowfish and Blowfish slugger Houston Wright before the Blowfish season finale. The 2019 season was the Season of the Lexington County Fair for the Lexington County Blowfish. And in honor of the 150th anniversary of the South Carolina State Fair, the Blowfish wore special 'fair-themed" jerseys. These "Fair Themed"jerseys were worn at home every Friday and Saturday night during the season, including on the Fourth of July!

Throughout the season, fans could place bids on the colorful jersey of their choice through our annual jersey auction. The money raised through this season long online auction would go to the South Carolina State Fair Scholarship Fund.

The Fair themed logo, jersey and cap design were created by Skye Design Studios, a brand identity and design firm located in the greater New York City area. SDS opened its first satellite location in Winston-Salem, North Carolina in 2015 to better serve its southern-based accounts. For more information you can log on to: This year's fair dates are October 9th through October 20th. For Tickets Click on Picture above

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