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 Rio Grande Valley FC Toros

Rio Grande Valley FC vs. Loudoun United FC - Game Highlights

October 14, 2023 - United Soccer League Championship (USL)
Rio Grande Valley FC Toros YouTube Video

00:00:00 - Kick Off by Loudoun United 00:00:15 - Foul by Houssou Landry 00:00:28 - Goal by Wesley Leggett 00:00:58 - Pass by Taylor Davila 00:01:05 - Shot by Juan Cabezas 00:01:18 - Shot by Robert Coronado 00:01:32 - Shot by José Francisco Torres 00:01:54 - Cross by Taylor Davila 00:02:05 - Shot by Frank Nodarse 00:02:27 - GK Save by Dane Jacomen 00:02:39 - Booking by Houssou Landry 00:03:01 - Booking by Wesley Leggett 00:03:16 - Booking by Houssou Landry 00:03:46 - Booking by Frank Nodarse 00:03:58 - PlayerIn by Ian Cerro 00:04:10 - GK Save by Carlos Merancio 00:04:29 - DefensiveAct by Christopher Hegardt 00:04:42 - Pass by José Francisco Torres 00:04:52 - Pass by José Francisco Torres 00:04:59 - Goal by Alex Monis 00:05:27 - Shot by Alex Monis 00:05:41 - Pass by José Francisco Torres 00:05:46 - Shot by Ian Cerro 00:06:03 - Shot by Harvey Neville 00:06:34 - Shot by Zach Ryan 00:06:49 - Pass by Juan Cabezas 00:06:54 - Booking by José Francisco Torres 00:07:13 - Goal by Ian Cerro 00:07:46 - End Match by Rio Grande Valley

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United Soccer League Championship Stories from October 14, 2023

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