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Post by Alhammer »



Richmond to Lacross is 1070 miles
Allen to Fairbanks 3900
Reading to GB 940

Travel for the IFL was too hot. Lot of their teams are shutting down. Why would anyone think the IFL is the best there is. I ve been a fan for over 20 years. Isn't it time to get people that tell the truth and run things like businesses not some fly by night that is trying to flip something.

Arizona, OKC, Mobile, Fayetteville, and all these other teams that were ran so bad in various leagues. Look for the UIFL to be the same after this next season.
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Post by coachingubigr »

3,900 is nothing.

Georgetown flew to China for a fist fight last week.
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Post by jerry101jlh »



Richmond to Lacross is 1070 miles
Allen to Fairbanks 3900
Reading to GB 940

Travel for the IFL was too hot. Lot of their teams are shutting down. Why would anyone think the IFL is the best there is. I ve been a fan for over 20 years. Isn't it time to get people that tell the truth and run things like businesses not some fly by night that is trying to flip something.

Arizona, OKC, Mobile, Fayetteville, and all these other teams that were ran so bad in various leagues. Look for the UIFL to be the same after this next season.[/quote]

We all know the problems, so if you wish, enlighten us with the answer?
Devil Dawg
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Post by Devil Dawg »


So far we've seen nothing of substance, only message board rumor. Right now I'd say they might be behind the SIFL in the information department. Obviously this is a done deal according to those posting here, so why no announcement ?"[/quote]

There will be an official press release once the new league finalizes the required documentation but they are much too busy to pay attention to message boards right now. I'm sure once the press release is out someone will post a copy on here.
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Post by jerry101jlh »

[quote=""Devil Dawg""]There will be an official press release once the new league finalizes the required documentation but they are much too busy to pay attention to message boards right now. I'm sure once the press release is out someone will post a copy on here.[/quote]

Much to busy to pay attention to message boards huh? Gee golly whiz, I thought fans were here so I guess too busy for the fan. lol
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Post by VinnyTheViper »

[quote=""jerry101jlh""]Just checked your math on a couple, but appears you are only talking one way. 600 miles at 50 mph adds up to 12 hours. Some would consider that excessive travel time. All makes sense on ease of travel till you put Richmond into the equation.[/quote]

Yes, the distances listed were point to point between cities, I assumed that y'all would be able to do the math times two.

Since Richmond seems to be the bone of contention as having the worst travel, which is actually false, Louisiana has the worst travel mileage of all the teams, but let's use Richmond as the example.

Look at the 2011 road schedule for the Richmond Revolution of the IFL

@ Bloomington, IL 843 miles (1,686 miles)
@ Lehigh Valley, PA 308 miles (616 miles)
@ Green Bay, WI 1001 miles (2002 miles)
@ Bloomington, IL 843 miles (1,686 miles)
@ Reading, PA 264 miles (528 miles)
@ Lehigh Valley, PA 308 miles (616 miles)
@ Reading, PA 264 miles (528 miles)

3,831 miles (7,662 miles)

Richmond – Knoxville = 433 miles (866 miles)
Richmond – Columbus = 642 miles (1284 miles)
Richmond – Alabama = 643 miles (1286 miles)
Richmond – Albany = 692 miles (1384 miles)
Richmond – Louisiana = 1216 miles (2432 miles)
Richmond – Knoxville = 433 miles (866 miles)

4059 total miles (8,118 miles)

Looks to me like the IFL likes to saddle its teams with excessive mileage trips too, at least if I use your definition of excessive travel. What in earth is a league doing sending a team from Richmond to Bloomington, Illinois twice in one season? That is an utterly ridiculous schedule. Furthermore, we have no idea how the scheduling will be devised for the new league, for all we know, Louisiana and Richmond will not even play one another during the regular season of 12 games.

Finally, you have much higher regard for the IFL than I certainly do, the strength of the IFL is largely derived from the old af2 and UIF teams, the Texas teams frankly, are about as worthwhile as a nipple is on a wild boar. I saw enough of Tommy B's antics with the Intense Football League to know that I would never want any team that I supported to be part of that gene pool.
Last edited by VinnyTheViper on Fri Aug 26, 2011 6:23 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by jerry101jlh »

Now Vinny I never said excessive travel, only that some might. The IFL model has been the only one proven to work for any real length of time unless you include in the Intense League. Unlike other leagues currently in operation it is owned by the owners in the league and the commissioner doesn't have the absolute type of power that Hager appeared to have in the SIFL. You also talk like there is something wrong with a league that gets its strength from old UIF and af2 teams, some just happen to be the most stable in the game. Can't argue with you on the Texas teams as a rule though although looks like this new league you speak of is crawling into bed with some or all of those teams.
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Post by VinnyTheViper »

[quote=""jerry101jlh""]To add, its a new league set up by a group of teams with no experience in running a league from what I can tell. Doesn't spell failure, but does raise the question.[/quote]

While time will only tell whether they know how run a league or not, I know that several of the owners are businessmen who run companies outside of their football interests (Richmond, Alabama, Knoxville), I would far rather give these guys a chance to get it right than put an ounce of faith behind the fly-by-night behavior of so many of the leagues that are out there.

So far we've seen nothing of substance, only message board rumor. Right now I'd say they might be behind the SIFL in the information department. Obviously this is a done deal according to those posting here, so why no announcement of anything??????????

I did not realize that the SIFL had an information department???? I am still looking for the 3/25/2011 SIFL player transaction report, and for that matter every other transaction report after that date too. In all seriousness, does anybody have any idea how much time it takes or how much money it costs to start up a league from scratch??? It is not cheap by any means. Had Hager sold the SIFL, then you would have probably already seen an announcment by now. It has been less than two weeks since the offer was turned down and the decision was made to go in a different direction. An annoucement will come when the time is right, there are a lot of legal issues such as trademarks, league incorporation, all items that lawyers have to handle with local and state government agencies, this all takes time. Once some of the T's are crossed, and the I's dotted, I am sure that there will be an announcement, for all I know, you might even see a league schedule announced at the league rollout, be patient.
Last edited by VinnyTheViper on Fri Aug 26, 2011 6:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by VinnyTheViper »

[quote=""jerry101jlh""]So Vinny or Coach, what is the reasoning behind Richmond going with this new league instead of the IFL or UIFL where travel would be more favorable?[/quote]

I can not speak for the Richmond owner, I can only guess, but the annual budget to operate a team in the IFL or the UIFL is substantially more than what SIFL teams operated at in 2011, you can not simply look at only travel costs to get an accurate picture to why teams would make a particular decision for one league over the other.
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Post by jerry101jlh »

Believe it or not Vinny I understand much of what you say and I'm not as dumb on these matters as you think I am. No offense to Dan, but the SIFL didn't have an information department much of the season, but what it did have was more than what any have seen out of this new league. My thinking is this new league will do fine in that area if who I'm thinking of heads up that effort, but with so many rumors flying its not too early to put a few bones out there. And yes Vinny I do know the cost of starting a league, very little actually. Now the operation of a league a different story, but actual start up costs pretty small. I like how you point to a failed model (SIFL) as lower operating costs than either the IFL or UIFL. That very well may be true, but seems to me larger headaches came with lower day to day costs. You refer to others as fly by night, yet the IFL and UIFL had more success in 2011 than the SIFL and both return with what appears to be a stronger footprint although feel the UIFL may have over extended itself on expansion.

As to those setting things up being successful business owners. Most likely true, but so are most in any other league and few if any of them can seem to get it right, so what makes this group any different?

In conclusion I have seen quite a few leagues come and go, but they all started with the same nonsense of lower costs, easier travel, and a host of other promises. I see this new league as nothing new, nor different at this point, just words. I'm hopeful it will turn out to be the league all can point to as perfection as I don't care to see more bs that has been spawned by leagues such as the SIFL. The IFL and UIFL may be far from perfect, but they are both working far better than the once promised as great SIFL.
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