Interview with Kevin McCullough in S.D. at try out for New York team

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Interview with Kevin McCullough in S.D. at try out for New York team

Post by Evad »

The San Diego UFL Tryout: Kevin McCullough is “California Dreaming”

Below is an article I wrote for Nation was nice enough to put it on the front page as a featured article.

I showed up at Lincoln High School in San Diego California not knowing what to expect. From what I heard of the tryouts that took place in Florida, with the long line of hopeful players trying to earn a spot, I thought I would see the same thing here. So, as I got off the 805 south at Imperial Ave and took a left over the freeway, I prepared myself for my first encounter with the UFL.

After finding a place to park near what was obviously a new football stadium. I walked the half block to the entrance gate and went inside. Once inside the gated field I was greeted at the check in table by a friendly woman named Kia Cottrell. After telling her I was there to ask a player a few questions for she pointed out Coach Ted Cottrell and recommended that I talk to him first.
I walked onto the field and approached Coach Cottrell and waited for him to finished talking to a hopeful player. As I waited I took a look around and saw about 150 to 200 guys on the field warming up and waiting their turn to show their stuff. I introduced myself when he finished and told him I would like to interview one of the players for He willingly said yes and went out into the crowd of players and brought back a guy for me to talk to. Coach Cottrell said I had two minutes and the following is my brief conversation with Kevin McCullough.

As a side note for those of you that don’t know Kevin he is a 6 foot 2 inch, 250 pound Linebacker who has played two years of pro football. Last year he was with the New York Jets and played this year with the Spokane Shock of AF2 Arena League. He played college ball at Cincinnati and can run the 40 in 4.76 seconds.

David Hurbon: So how did you find out about the U.F.L. tryout?

Kevin McCullough: My agent was contacted by the league and then he called me to let me know.

DH: On a scale of 1 to 5 how would you rate the UFL from what you know so far?

KM: I would say 4 ½ to 5. Other leagues have tried to do what these guys are doing, but, they weren’t as organized or had as many talented NFL coaches as the UFL has.

DH: What do you think it will take for the UFL to be recognized as a legit league?

KM: I think it’s already happening. As the season gets going and fans can watch it on TV That will bring recognition and they will see its not here today gone tomorrow.

DH: Are you hoping to get back to the NFL by way of the UFL?

KM: I want to play in the NFL again and I see the UFL as a great way to do that. Arena Football is not the same as playing outside so the transition from the UFL to the NFL would be better.

DH: What do you think of the team names?

KM: Their interesting. I’m OK with it, they do grab your attention.

DH: What about the uniforms?

KM: They’re flashy!! I’m OK with them too!

DH: Anything you want to say to the fans on

KM: Time is ticking down to opening day. Hang in there and expect to see some great football.

And with that I shook his hand, thanked him for his time and headed back to my car. On my way out I thanked Kia Cottrell again (by the way – Nation she said “hi&#8221 ;) and drove off with what I would say was a good first impression of the UFL.
Last edited by Evad on Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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