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Player needs help

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 2:02 pm
by BluShz
I have played in the CBL since it's inception. I just found out by word of mouth that my team, McKinney Blue Thunder/Dallas Aviators has folded. I'm very disappointed that no one had contacted me. When this league started I was the youngest player in the league. I am a utility player and was on the inaugural season All-Star team. I am now only 21 years old and have no where to play this season. I don't know where to turn. If ANYONE knows of a team looking for a dedicated player, please message me. I will gladly send you my resume and contact info.
Johnny Matusik
"Johnny Blue Shoes"
Texas Heat '07
McKinney Blue Thunder '08
nowhere '09

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 3:39 pm
by ajbrandt1
The Amarillo Dillas are holding open tryouts from 9am to 3pm Saturday May 29th at the Amarillo National Dilla Villa. Cost is $20, and you need to show up in all necessary equipment (glove, cleats, baseball pants, bat, etc.) Good luck to you, and hope to see you on the field tomorrow morning!