CBA owners Meeting Today...CBA to shut down forever

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CBA owners Meeting Today...CBA to shut down forever

Post by a1sports » Sat Feb 07, 2009 1:02 pm

From a staff member of a CBA team.

1. Other CBA owners mad at Coyne of Albany for hooking up the CBA with the scam ABA

2. One CBA owner mad that, "We shouldnt have played this year at all"
3. CBA owners mad at League Majority Owner Fernandez of Albany for letting things go bad and only caring that Albany have events at the venue he owns so he can make money.
4. Minot ran out of Money.
5. East Kentucky owner pulled out in Jan. No payroll met.
6. Pitsburgh owner screwed up CBA internet on purpose and then announces after saying he would play...he wont play.
7. Owners mad no new expansion cities on horizon.
8. CBA owners owe Fernandez money for funding travel last year.
9. Two CBA owners still mad that Fernandez threatened to sue them if they went to PBL this year.
10. Fernandez said to owners last week...BY the CBA from Me for 2 million dollars...owners felt betrayed again. Fernandez wont show books to other owners.

In other words....the CBA is DONE. Todays meting will solve NOTHING.

PS...never let a staff member in on business issues that doesnt get paid>>LOL

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